
Sabra and Sultan

Sabra and Sultan

The ambitious girl and the lion

Par Mohamed Bacha

Thème : Autres / Divers

Date de publication : 09/06/2021

A collection of four original Tunisian stories selected from the rich oral literature and adapted into English, keeping the magic realism style of the original falktales. In order to recreate these enchanting stories and present them to an international audience, the writer relied mainly on the oral versions of Abdelaziz El Aroui: a famous Tunisian storyteller, who told ancient Tunisian folktales on radio in the 60’s. El Aroui's radio stories were wonderfully infused with Tunisian proverbs and sayings and naturally impregnated with the soul of Tunisian culture, with all its vividness and uniqueness. It is this Tunisian magical atmosphere that the writer of this collection of short stories has aimed to transfer to readers worldwide.
  • Roman (134x204)
  • 56 pages
  • ISBN : 9782332623515
10,00 €
4,99 €

Mohamed Bacha


Mohamed Bacha

Mohamed Bacha is a Tunisian writer, linguist and human rights activist. His writings aim to transfer a local oral culture (in threat of being lost) to be discovered and enjoyed by an international audience, through the English language; to share undiscovered, wonderful folktales with the world, knowing that tales are a universal expression; to convey the expressive power of Tunisian proverbs.

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