
Piece of art

Piece of art

Par Ophélia Callens

Thème : Roman psychologique

Date de publication : 28/07/2015

Each night the same ritual happened - a drunk mother, a cheerful sister and a desperate father. Among this familial disaster, Emily convinced herself that nothing nor nobody could cure her angst. Until she crossed his path. Chace, 22 years old, passionate by art. He had a disarming attitude, really disturbing - though appealing. Relying on him, Emily's willing to undertake everything to discover the reasons beneath her mother's illness. Between violence, love and betrayals, Emily would have to fight for the truth. But would it really be worth it? As Laura revealed her darkest secrets, Emily lost herself in the woman's corrupted soul, betrayed by her loved ones and killed by lies.

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 176 pages
  • ISBN : 9782332973320
15,50 €
6,99 €

Avis des lecteurs

A lire d'urgence - 21/04/2016

Livre à lire d'urgence. Arrive à nous transporter dans son univers, toujours soif de connaître la suite. Un livre d'émotion, de suspense, de caractère....

Il est magnifique - 11/08/2015

Ce livre est écris par Ophélia... Ce livre est un peu sa pensée. Il est magnifique