
Literature at the Service of Life - Wanaé

Literature at the Service of Life - Wanaé

Wanaé, the Metamorphosed Flower and her Extraordinary Memory

Par Edwige Chekpo

Thème : Roman psychologique

Date de publication : 13/12/2023

This book entitled Literature at the Service of Life - Wanaé, the Metamorphosed Flower, and her Extraordinary Memory is part of a literature that contributes to the learning, and depth of reflection ; whose objective is to bring a breath of fresh air to the face of each reader so that he can explore as much as possible the most subtle hidden aspects of life in its philosophical, psychological, psychoanalytical dimension.

— Why trying to complicate thing while you can do it the easiest way? Have you never heard this familiar sentence? Why do you complicate your existence by tormenting yourself, by refusing to appreciate life at its true value?
— But I don’t have a life because I’m hanging around, and everyone is trampling on me! Only few beings stop to see and talk to me like you do!

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 104 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414564910
12,50 €
4,99 €

Edwige Chekpo


Edwige Chekpo

During her professional career, Edwige Chekpo taught at all levels : middle school, high school, higher education…

She is president of the « ASSOCIATION 4VVS : Ã‰CRIRE ET S’ÉMOUVOIR Â».

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