
The Dream of African children

The Dream of African children

Par Edwige Chekpo

Thème : Arts et spectacle

Date de publication : 29/09/2020


Young people,

Wherever you are,

On the African continent,

If you pray and don’t act,

Your prayers will become an illusion in their reality.

Don’t spend your time in churches:

Without going to school, without reading, without writing,

Without learning science, maths,

Technology, arts, languages…

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 20 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414497140
8,50 €
4,99 €

Edwige Chekpo


Edwige Chekpo

During her professional career, Edwige Chekpo  has taught at all levels : middle school, high shool (general,  and technical), higher education, Adult training, delivering customised learning solutions to organisations, providing bespoke training programmes ; preparation for paramedical and medical exams, and social career  exams. Truly, a wide-range of levels and age-groups.

She also worked at the leisure centre  with children aged 6 to 11 years old to help them overcome their learning difficulties. She has  published 26 books in poetry, theatre, stories, short stories, and so on. She is president of the association  « 4VVS : ECRIRE ET S’EMOUVOIR » whose objective is to promote writing and reading through creativity : Poetry, dance, theater, cultural activities worldwide.


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