
Life symphony

Life symphony

Par Eugène Adjé Koffi Da Silveira

Thème : Sentimental

Date de publication : 29/12/2017

Life is a dream and we are just
In life our ways of behaving
And acting lead us either to failure
Or to success.
For life is full of traps that
It is even so difficult to see them through a microscope.
But we know
When we fall in them and it is not so easy
To get out of them.

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 66 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414164707
10,00 €
4,99 €

Eugène Adjé Koffi Da Silveira


Eugène Adjé Koffi Da Silveira

Eugène Adjé  Koffi Da Silveira is a young togolese sentimentalogist, endowed with extraordinary gift for the sentimental world that allows him to solve easily any sentimental problems. He is the author of Sentimentalogy, the sentimental science that is based on theories and sentimental mechanism; he is member of the French Academy and is actually in contract with Edilivre Publishing House in France. Apart from being theoretician, psychotherapist and philosopher, his art of living made him an icon in the world of great writers.

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