
The Royal Spirit of Joseph

The Royal Spirit of Joseph

From the prison to the palace

Par Sylvestre A. Harryson

Thème : Religion

Date de publication : 26/01/2015

Until you are different, you cannot make the difference in the school of destiny. Because, for every greatness in life, there is a particular price to pay. This is the big question that demands the right answer: are you ready to pay the price?
This book reveals to you the secret code and the ultimate price of Joseph, that translated him from the prison to the pharaoh’s palace, making him an indispensable solution, the Zaphnath Paaneah of Egypt.
"I fear the Lord, the secret of my greatness. I am different to make a difference. I am born to reign..." Joseph
By the time you finished reading this book, you will not only be challenged, but you will offer a solution to your world, after the order of Joseph.
  • Roman (134x204)
  • 172 pages
  • ISBN : 9782332858955
16,00 €
7,99 €

Sylvestre A. Harryson


Sylvestre A. Harryson

Sylvestre A. Harryson is a bilingual writer, poet and ambassador of Christ. He did his primary, secondary and high school studies in Togo and Ghana, crowned by an attachment course in Tunis (Tunisia). Today he's a graduate of Leadership Diploma Course (LDC). He is the director of Harrys Publications and communication, member of the House of Prayer for All Nations (HOPFAN) and interpreter in Winners’ Chapel International.
Sylvestre A. Harryson is also the founder and the president of Joseph Mission International (JMI), a worldwide mission with a specific vision to raise and promote solutions bearers around the world, after the order of Joseph. He is happily married to prophetess Daniela, a Gospel artist, and their Ministries are crowned with glory in the Lord.

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