
The pleasure of authentic partners

The pleasure of authentic partners


Par Philippe Dzek Amevigbe

Thème : Autres / Divers

Date de publication : 09/05/2018

The patriarch of the village of Bada was at the end of his life in the colonial era. All traditional healers have tried in vain for him their medicinal science. The sages were then in a contradictory debate on the issue of local hunting powder and the more estimated imported hunting powder during the mortuary rites. During arduous journeys on foot in the city, Vioto, the only son of the patriarch obtained a small amount. Will he borrow it to guarantee Vioto his son also unique? Subsequently, Frank, a German trader, forged a relationship with Vioto in order to move into his tribe where he managed to achieve a happy endogenous development. What a pleasure for this community to have harmonized modernity with the needs of its rural environment?

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 50 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414201129
8,50 €
4,99 €

Philippe Dzek Amevigbe


Philippe Dzek Amevigbe

Philippe Dzek Amevigbe, Doctor of Education, writer and researcher, was born on the 1st November 1938 in Danyi in the Togolese Republic. After the scientific baccalaureate, he was trained as a junior high school teacher in the English-French session and by correspondence in the art of writing at the ”École ABC” in Paris. He has also been school inspector at Saint-Cloud in Paris, and has been teaching French as a second language, in Montreal (Canada) From then on, he is devoted to research and writing.

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