
The issue of reviewing the constitutionality of the statutes by the people's initiative

The issue of reviewing the constitutionality of the statutes by the people's initiative

A cross glance between the French and the Canadian systems of judicial review

Par Serge Surin

Thème : Economie / Droit

Date de publication : 24/07/2013

As the most important actors in democracy, the people are not only some electors who delegate all their powers and confidence to the classic branches of government. They participate actively in the life of the society by inciting the removal of bad and unfair statutes enacted by Parliament and applicable to them, statutes that often infringe their rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. They do so specifically by using their right in judicial review of statutes before the competent judges. The current work of research consists of comparing the judicial review initiated by the people in France and in Canada.
  • Roman (134x204)
  • 72 pages
  • ISBN : 9782332595256
11,00 €
4,99 €

Serge Surin


Serge Surin

Serge Surin is a Ph.D Student in Constitutional Law at the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. He went to Canada for a-six-month discovery internship, from April to October, 2011. During his internship, he went to the University of Ottawa, where he wrote the current Academic Writing that compares the recent mechanism of judicial review in France, with the Canadian’s one.

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