
The Horns of the Gods

The Horns of the Gods

Par Risey Yembele

Thème : Arts et spectacle

Date de publication : 09/08/2019

The rainmaker of the village, a true sacricolist to the cult of his glorious and generous ancestors usually calls for rain to come and vivify all the dormant lands of his county. His devotion to the stupendous cause of goodness results in a multitude of blessings.
  • Roman (134x204)
  • 166 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414369980
14,50 €
6,99 €

Risey Yembele


Risey Yembele

Risey Yembele was born in 1974 at Loutété, a small city in southern Congo Brazzaville. He holds a Master’s degree in TEFL/TESL and a Diploma in translation. He started his professional career as a translator at Engineering Petroleum & Industries in Pointe Noire, Congo. On July 6, 2009, he joined an international organization where he currently works as a consular assistant. Risey Yembele is engaged and has six children.

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