
The Admirable Students

The Admirable Students

Par Philippe Dzek Amevigbe

Thème : Roman psychologique

Date de publication : 04/01/2018

Dina, an orphaned young bachelor, of an intoxicating beauty, was encouraged by a young colonel to emigrate to pursue higher education. There, she meets Ayawa with whom she knots a sincere friendship of work. Both, struck by a solid ideal of divesting themselves of sexual relations until they obtain their doctorate, realize their dream in spite of painful intrigues. In this narrative, Philippe Dzek Amevigbe, a doctor of education, researcher and writer, has set himself the task of denouncing the sexual relations of pupils and students and of correcting this behavior by abstinence which favors the studies of young girls. It also addresses the coexistence of religious practices, the scope of education, the witches, and the jealousy.

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 64 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414173259
9,00 €
4,99 €

Philippe Dzek Amevigbe


Philippe Dzek Amevigbe

Philippe Dzek Amevigbe was born on the first of November 1938 in Danyi in the Togolese Republic. He soon had a passionate taste for school, an ardent desire to know and an inspiration in writing. Unfortunate events forced him to move prematurely towards a career as a teacher. To fulfill his ambition, he then prepared a scientific baccalaureate before entering the training high school in the English-French literary section. In the same vein, he took the French language course and discovered the art of writing at the ABC school in Paris. Various training courses in Belgium, France and Canada have led him to soak up the literary bath. After obtaining a doctorate in education, he devoted himself to research and writing. 

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