
The Fulfilling Talent

The Fulfilling Talent

Par Philippe Dzek Amevigbe

Thème : Roman de société / actualité

Date de publication : 04/01/2018

Zo, the hero of the novel, the fulfilling talent, dreamed since his childhood to write. Animated by an irresistible instinct to know, he did a brilliant education in primary school, despite a sad event. He entered the college and could have continued the long cycle if a strike had not oriented his destiny towards a premature career strewn with cruel intrigues. Yet his keen desire to raise his intellectual level in order to make his gift grow, prompted him to learn the art of writing and to pursue his studies. After obtaining a doctorate, he devoted his hobby to writing. In this narrative, the author Philippe Dzek Amevigbe, a doctor in education, researcher and writer, touches on the question of the interest of surpassing oneself, the development of a gift and the envy.

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 72 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414168514
9,50 €
4,99 €

Philippe Dzek Amevigbe


Philippe Dzek Amevigbe

Philippe Dzek Amevigbe was born on the first of November 1938 in Danyi in the Togolese Republic. Very soon, he takes a passion for school, his desire to learn to make himself ardent. Unfortunate events forced him to move prematurely towards a teaching career. To fulfill his ambition, self-taught, he prepared the scientific baccalaureate before entering the training high school in English-French literary section. In the same way, he took the French language course and the art of writing at the ABC school in Paris. Several training courses in Belgium, France and Canada have prompted him to absorb various literary currents. After obtaining a doctorate in education, he now devoted himself to research and writing.

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