


Par Dakelbjc”

Thème : Essai / Etude autres

Date de publication : 26/06/2015

"The sentimentalogy is the ensemble of knowledge which aims to explain the realities of sentimental life scientifically talking, with the therapeutic techniques and efficacy allowing to patient a pleasant relief."
  • Roman (134x204)
  • 94 pages
  • ISBN : 9782332887085
15,00 €
6,99 €




The positive thinker, life boy the sentimentalogist, or dakelb, born as Adje Koffi Da Silveira, the 7th of February 1992 in Togo at Atakpame precisely Agbonous, one of the cities of Togo. The young Togolese through his extraordinary gifts comes to understand and take the mystery of life. He is the author of sentimentalogy (the only science which arrived to explain philosophically and scientifically the phenomena of sentimental life, based on the theories, sentimental mechanism and the complex of coincireci). One of his sayings: “The difference between fear and courage is the level of conscience” “By observing the effort we talk about chance and coincidence but within all is merit”

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