



Par Belkacem Meghzouchene

Thème : Poésie

Date de publication : 19/08/2013

RAFFLESIA, a poetry collection woven between 2007 and 2012, deals with a myriad of matters that concern you. Love, wrinkles of greed, furrows of past, winged hatred, rampant despair, terror in Algeria, missed opportunities, calls for a peaceful world, regrets, tributes to departed endeared men and women, curses and forgotten human values. In a nutshell, a magma of swirling feelings, aflutter and asunder. Enjoy them all, as I got injured by the edges of words.
  • Roman (134x204)
  • 200 pages
  • ISBN : 9782332610331
17,00 €
7,99 €

Belkacem Meghzouchene


Belkacem Meghzouchene

Belkacem Meghzouchene is an Algerian author (born October 18, 1979 in Aït Hamsi, Algeria.) A geneticist by training, he has published his first novel, Sophia In The White City (Editions l'Odyssée, Algeria, 2010), a premiere in French-prone Maghrebi country. In June 2011, he won the first award of Prix Ali Maâchi des Jeunes Créateurs De Son Excellence le Président de la République (Algeria), for his writings. In 2013, he published his second English novel, THE OVERCOAT OF VIRGINIA (Edilivre, France). He's married, and lives in Algeria. He loves his country and family, and he advocates for a world devoid of nukes and weapons, to wit, gotten rid of wars.

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