
R & B

R & B

Romance & Boldness

Par Keurdelion

Thème : Poésie

Date de publication : 01/09/2017

Love is ambiguous and complex. One moment, it is sweet; it gets sour the next. Love is shy and reserved at first. From time to time, it opens itself up, therefore it gets licentious. Love is gentle, careful, cautious. Love is cool, easy going. Then it gets care free, worry free; it produces heatwave and acts hard. None of the latter is wrong. It is all necessary for the process and, thus, the progress of love.
This poetry book reminisces the author's enjoyable feelings of love in a fearless manner. Henceforth romance and boldness.


"Love is a rebel bird that one cannot tame... love is a gypsy child, it never follows any rules."
(Georges Bizet in Habanera/Carmen opera)

  • Roman (134x204)
  • 38 pages
  • ISBN : 9782414128808
9,00 €
4,99 €




Written by Keurdelion (from French 'Coeur de lion’ meaning Lion heart) also known as Angel of love, Fountain of wisdom. R&B is the third book of the author after Written Love and I think therefore I write.

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