


Prefaced by Dr Jalil Bennani

Par Wafa Ibrahimi

Thème : Poésie

Date de publication : 04/01/2016

Attraction Prefaced by Dr Jalil Bennani « The little finger, the big finger and the hand, is your Inspiration and is my Imagination. Attraction is my INTUITION… The woman was talking about mysticism and did not even know what she wants of that man in front of her. Her partner, however, was already talking about a trap: “Please don’t love me! Will never see you, I’m not giving you my little finger because later you will ask for my big finger and then for all my hand…” Shouldn’t my eyes look sad? Sad for all men in a fog have got a small finger, a big one and a hand. But one day, there far away from me, you will see clear through your little finger, your big one. The mist that covers your mind will fade away. Then, you will know, for yourself not for a woman, that for a touch but not for a trap you have got a hand. »
  • Roman (134x204)
  • 106 pages
  • ISBN : 9782334020800
12,50 €
5,99 €

Wafa Ibrahimi


Wafa Ibrahimi

Wafa Ibrahimi is graduate in English literature who has experienced mental illness. She transcends her illness and gives us, through poetry , her perception on spiritual and mystical love, true love. She expresses herself through poetry and drawing. Dr Jalil Bennani is psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Rabat. His publications include: Le corps suspect (1980/2015), Psychanalyse en terre d’islam (2008), Un psy dans la cité (2013/2014), Great Atlas 2013 award. He is the winner in 2002 of the "International Sigmund Freud Award for Psychotherapy of the City of Vienna," for all of his work.

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